Aaron Toronto
Though I’ve had the opportunity to work on many feature films in the last 16 years in many different capacities, the work that has consistently been the most fulfilling and that I’m most proud of is the work I’ve done in Dragonfly. It has given me the opportunity to thrill audiences, to dig my hands and heart into some meaty, meaningful art, and for my soul to be moved in the process. I’m so glad that Dragonfly has provided this kind of opportunity to other artists as well and I’ve loved experiencing all their work.
Belinda Smith
I have been working with Dragonfly since it was set up in 2011, firstly starting solely as an actor and then building the role of producer into my skill set. I joined the Board in 2011 after our first show, “The Importance of Being Earnest” and have been helping lead Dragonfly ever since. Dragonfly is my creative outlet and my passion for theatre is what drives me to keep being part of this amazing collection of people. I am very proud of how Dragonfly has changed and adapted depending on the venue available, the directors and acting talent that is so transient through Vietnam and, of course, the challenges thrown at us, not least by our friend COVID! Throughout all the ups and downs it has been the dedication and enthusiasm from our community that has kept it going - most importantly, from our audience who are as loyal and passionate as us.
David Patrick Delves
I could never settle on what I wanted to be, so I became an actor. Theatre has always intrigued me. Especially its reflective and ephemeral nature. It’s there and then it’s not. Just like life. A combination of miserable and blissful happenings.
Rhea Mehmet
I’ve always struggled to say exactly what it is about theatre that made me fall in love with it. It’s not just it’s live-ness, which makes emotion so much more visceral on the stage, but it’s fluidity too - it’s ability to incorporate many different techniques and talents; to transcend tradition and become a different thing entirely.
I am honoured to be part of Dragonfly Theatre to bring new and exciting ways of creating to Vietnam and beyond.
John Andrew Cunnington
There is something about Vietnam that is drawing artists here. A scene is bubbling away at the surface and I want to be of service to that. For many years, I have been a performer and worked for many companies around the world. I have finally settled in Vietnam to explore more creative fields, including directing physical theatre and dance. Dragonfly is where my directorial life has begun, starting with Mr Stink, and now Addiction, Stockholm and lastly With Strings Attached. My mission is to play a part in growing the theatre scene across Vietnam in whatever capacity I can.